Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Maybe Not Fair, But You know I'm Right

I am in 'the home office', two rooms and a hallway away from the TV.

On the TV, HRC is speaking to supporters in Texas.

Her Voice Is Awful.

Like, makes you long for Al Gore awful.

In 2000 someone I knew reviewed their choice of Bush over Gore and said 'Can you imagine listenong to him day in and day out?'

I observed that this was not exactly a compelling or mature point upon which to make your choice but I didn't do it with much ferver because I knew that she had a point.

He was, (and still is) unsufferable.

So is Kerry.

And So is HRC.

And Mike Dukakis for that matter.

This is how we lose.

We choose people even I don't want to listen too. People that live up to every Limbaugh-drawn sketch of 'Liberal Elite' (meaning Condesending Effete Eastern Twit) Can you imagine playing basketball with any of those folks?

Bill Had it. Reagan Had it. Carter didn't need it in '76 and didn't have it in '80. We made sure that neither Bush needed it.

Do You Want To Win?

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