Thursday, March 01, 2007

Today's Poll

And remember, History shows that, this far out, the Republican leader gets the nomination and the Democratic leader disappears.....

From Time;

According to a new Time magazine poll, Rudy Giuliani now leads Sen. John McCain by 14 points (38% to 24%) for the Republican presidential nomination among registered Republicans and leaners. "The core of Giuliani's strength is in the Northeast, where he has a 50% to 23% advantage over McCain. But even in the West, he leads McCain by 5 points."

On the Democratic side, Sen. Hillary Clinton's lead has eroded since the last poll. Sen. Barack Obama "has closed to within 12 points (36% to 24%), gaining seven points in the last month. "The African-American component of the Democrats polled appears to be evenly split between the two senators. Former Vice President Al Gore, who has not declared his candidacy, was in third place, at 13%, while former North Carolina Senator John Edwards kept a firm hold of fourth place with 11%."

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