Sunday, August 27, 2006

Deep Macaca

From Raw Story a sure GOP seat is in trouble ... Yes it's the seat held by (Confederate) Presidential Hopeful George Allen:

Democratic challenger James Webb, former Navy secretary under President Reagan, has pulled ahead of Virginia's Republican Senator Allen by one percentage point in the latest Zogby poll, RAW STORY has learned.

The poll also puts Democrats in front for 14 out of the open 19 gubernatorial races. But the Democratic Party only leads 12 of the 18 Senate races, which wouldn't be enough to regain the majority even accounting for Vermont's independent Senator Jim Jeffords and Connecticut's Joe Lieberman who Zogby shows leading primary winner Ned Lamont by ten points.

"The race in Virginia saw a significant turnaround: Democratic challenger James Webb inched to a one percentage point lead over incumbent Senator George Allen, who was ahead eleven percentage points in the July Zogby poll," reports the Wall
Street Journal website.

"Mr. Allen was swept up in controversy earlier this month over comments he made about a Democratic campaign worker.

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