Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gotta Listen To The Two-Termers

President Bartlet, aides push EFCA

“The West Wing” is back — sort of.

The award-winning NBC drama went off the air in 2006, but on Tuesday, “West Wing” stars Martin Sheen, Bradley Whitford and Richard Schiff will try to use their celebrity status to promote the Employee Free Choice Act, the divisive labor union bill that has stalled in the Senate.

The three actors will unveil a new program called Faces of the Employee Free Choice Act, sponsored by the pro-labor group American Rights at Work, at a news conference at Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s office. The labor bill is also known as “card check” in business circles because it would get rid of the secret ballot for union elections.

Not surprisingly, the anti-EFCA forces are calling out the Hollywood stars for being hypocritical.

“These same actors cast secret ballots when electing the leadership of the Screen Actors Guild or voting on the annual SAG Award winners,” the anti-EFCA Workforce Fairness Institute said Monday. “Once again, Holly­wood thinks they deserve something that should be taken away from average working people.”

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