Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Obama from change agent to pragmatist

Sent from Express News
WASHINGTON - The selection of experienced centrists - Hillary Rodham Clinton, Robert Gates and James L. Jones - to head President-elect Barack Obama's national security team points to the possibility that on Iraq, the incoming commander-in-chief may take a more measured path to ending American military involvement than he described during the presidential campaign.

Obama's choices signal a more pragmatic, less ideological approach to asserting American leadership in the world. In announcing on Monday that Clinton is his choice for secretary of state and that Gates has agreed to remain as defense secretary - with Jones as national security adviser in the White House - Obama said he has intentionally surrounded himself with "strong personalities and strong opinions." And he made clear that when push comes to shove, he will be the one to make the tough calls.

By ROBERT BURNS Associated Press Writer

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