Wednesday, June 11, 2008

They're Not All Crazy

... but maybe most of them.

As mentioned below, Mr SB sent me a copy of the Rich Carroll (who seems to be a self-publishing RW crackpot of the first order) paranoid screed "The Jihadi Candidate".

A selection of Mr Carroll's offering

Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position, but before you continue, visualize the television photos of two jet airliners smashing into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan and remind yourself this cowardly act of Muslim terror was planned for eight years.

Find a candidate who changes his American name of Barry to the Muslim name of Barak (sic) Hussein Obama, and dares anyone to question his true ties under the banner of 'racism'. Nurture this candidate in an atmosphere of anti-white American teaching and surround him with Islamic teachers. Provide him with a bitter, racist, anti-white, anti-American wife, and supply him with Muslim middle east connections and Islamic monies.

Allow him to be clever enough to get away with his anti-white rhetoric and proclaim he will give $834 billion taxpayer dollars to the Muslim controlled United Nations for use in Africa . Install your candidate in an atmosphere of deception because questioning him on any issue involving Africa or Islam would be seen as 'bigoted racism'; two words too powerful to allow the citizenry to be informed of facts.

Allow your candidate to employ several black racist Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan followers as members of his Illinois Senatorial and campaign staffs.

But on a discussion group at (see logo above) I did find this response (as well as Mr Carroll's piece , if you wish to read it all):

I won't vote for the man because I don't agree with him on the issues. I don't care for some of his mistakes, however, most can be dismissed as simple inexperience in the political spot light. Even if he was moderate and had some good ideas, there is no way in hell I would turn over DC to the Dems. Look what happened with the Reps.

As far as some editorial implying some cynical radical Islamic plot to overthrow the US from the inside, and Obama is some radical Jihadist simpathizer intent on destroying the contry and turning it over to Allah......

Are you fu#%ing serious?

It is nothing but a smear piece with fear mongering as it's primary tool. Not only that, but show me any Obama supporter on this board that might look at him in a different light because of this well written informative piece. It is nothing but porn for all the Obama haters to stand around in a big circle jerk. If you don't like him, don't vote for him.

Get your Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanies out Folks

In most of the Right Wing discussions that I have read, this perception prevails (though not always by much).

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