Wednesday, January 03, 2007

For Our 1000th Post, A Look Into The Future

Hat tip to Ms. TA for this:

G.W.Bush executed in Washington

Former U.S. President G.W.Bush has been executed by hanging at a secure facility in central Washington for crimes against humanity.

Fox State TV said the execution took place just before 0600 local time (1100 GMT). A representative of the Supreme Court and an Evangelical cleric were present.
Television showed images of G.W.Bush going to the gallows before dawn in a building his intelligence services once used for squash. However the moment of his execution was not shown.

Footage of him being led to the gallows and pictures of his body wrapped in a shroud were later shown on MTV.

Two co-defendants, G.W.Bush's vice-president and a former U.K. Prime Minister, are to be executed at a later date.

... In a statement U.S. President O'Bama said the execution had closed a dark chapter in U.S. history.

"Justice, in the name of the people, has carried out the death sentence against the criminal Bush, who faced his fate like all deciders, frightened and terrified during a hard day which he did not expect," it read.

Full Coverage Here.

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