Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How They Do It

Yglesias, via Political Animal
Matt Yglesias raised a terrific point: "Voters don't have a great deal of knowledge about the issues, or a great deal of interest in acquiring knowledge about the issues. But they are human beings, equipped with our species' excellent ability to read the emotional states of other human beings. If they see a politician acting defensive about his 'side' in an argument, they conclude that this critics are probably on to something. If they see a politicians acting outraged and hitting back fearlessly, they're likely to conclude that he has nothing to apologize for."

Obama and Bill Clinton won because they projected strength, something people don't expect from Deomcrats (Kerry). Reid, Baucus, Conrad prove the point.

It's time get Fired Up and Ready To Go Mr Pres. and it's time for Senate Dems to make him their role-model.

For now, please Substitute Barney Frank and Anthony Weiner for BHO.

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