Friday, June 19, 2009

Write Your Congressman

Folks. We Need Constant Pressure On The President and Congress to repeal DADT and DOMA.

And we need that pressure now, so that Gay People's rights, rights our President promised to be 'a fierce advocate' for are not pushed back in the closet even after our financial meltdown and health insurance crisis are 'solved'

AND WE NEED YOU STRAIGHTS NOW MORE THAN EVER. Your voice shows Washington that our concerns are everybody's.

So ...
Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund is leading the fight against DADT.
Go There. Send E-mails. Give Money. Find People to harrass.

Find Your Congressman Here.

Find Your Senator Here.

Write the White House Here.

Twitterers can also use @whitehouse.

And Write write write write.

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