The Tampa Tribune
Published: May 4, 2008
TALLAHASSEE - They laughed - a lot - but cried plenty as well as they passed more than 270 new laws affecting everything from your property taxes to license plates for your car.State lawmakers ended this year's emotional, grueling 60-day legislative session on Friday by passing a $66.2 billion budget that slashed $4 billion from education, health care, public safety and other areas of state spending. Budget cutting was this Legislature's dominant mission, the result of sinking state revenue, prompting $500 million in cuts to the current year's budget at the start of the session before work began on the pared spending plan for 2008-09.
Motorcycles: It's now illegal to pop a wheelie.
Bestiality: Still legal in Florida
Vehicle, um, decorations: Carry on with the popular pickup accoutrement: so-called Truck Nutz. The anatomically correct accessories, modeled after bull testicles, were outlawed by the Senate but had immunity in the House, so no $60 fine after all.
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